The Mysterious Secret of Successfully Growing Houseplants
I am, without boasting, good at growing house plants.
I wasn't always. House plants used to die and wither for me, just as they do for most people.
But then I discovered the mysterious secret of looking after house plants.
My house plants now flourish: they grow glossy healthy leaves, they flower, and they propagate. I give them away for Mothers' Day and at Christmas and at birthdays. I have African Violets that are the sixth generation of propagation from plants bought for £1 at the supermarket. I have Peace Lilies a metre high, grown from off-shoots of plants three years ago.
Here, I will let you into the mysterious secret of successfully growing house plants.
That's it.
The mysterious secret of looking after house plants.
Look after them.
That's it.
I wasn't always. House plants used to die and wither for me, just as they do for most people.
But then I discovered the mysterious secret of looking after house plants.
My house plants now flourish: they grow glossy healthy leaves, they flower, and they propagate. I give them away for Mothers' Day and at Christmas and at birthdays. I have African Violets that are the sixth generation of propagation from plants bought for £1 at the supermarket. I have Peace Lilies a metre high, grown from off-shoots of plants three years ago.
Here, I will let you into the mysterious secret of successfully growing house plants.
- Every day, I check the plant's soil.
- If it is dry, I water it: if not, I don't.
- That's it.
- Every day.
- Every single day.
That's it.
The mysterious secret of looking after house plants.
Look after them.
That's it.
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