Woking to London by bike.. From my home in Saint Johns (near Woking) I can cycle all the way into central London, most of the way off roads. It is a really nice ride, though the round trip takes me about 10 hours in all and is about 70 miles. Being off the roads is nice, but it does mean the surfaces are not so smooth so I find it quite long. Cycling past so many London bridges and landmarks as you arrive in London is so exciting though. :-) I think a good way to do this would be to cycle into London and then take the train home. I will try to arrange for a group of us to cycle this route in the Spring (of 2009) and on my last trip I photographed the landmarks, as well as pubs and places where people could join us or leave us if they wanted to cycle only part of the route. Obvious places to join are in Woking town centre, Weybridge and Kingston. Here I will describe the route, illustrating with the photos I took. We start from the pond outside Woking Golf Club ...