The wine run
Despite my having vowed not to run another half marathon, my son persuaded me. It wasn't so much that I couldn't, as that I didn't want to run another. The distance is a bit far for me to enjoy now, and I have taken to throwing away run medals and t-shirts (not because I am a great runner but because after a lot of years you accrue a lot of technical t's just for taking part). But James has more recently taken up running, and has built up to that distance through dogged hard work and persistence while I sort of idled a bit. This one was the Denbies Bacchus Half Marathon. At first it sounded mad to me - Denbies is a vineyard, and at each water station they also offer a wine tasting. Now I have proved through experiment that I can drink and run: a few ill-judged long training runs in summer heat drove me to call it at the pub, and more recently my small run group tried a gentile jog along the canal to a pub and back. But even so, the idea of a half marathon fueled b...